Create your personalized trip

1. Find your dream trip

Browse our collection of trips from the “TRIPS” tab and select the perfect trip for your needs.

2. Review your selected trip

Review the selected trip available dates & prices and check the group discounts section.
To offer you the best prices, at least 2 adults must be booked per trip.

3. Personalize your trip

Select the number of adults, children & infants traveling.

Be noted that:

  • The maximum number of travelers per room/cabin is 3 travelers per room (Adults or children).
  • Any traveler can’t join the others in a double or triple room will require a “Solo Traveler in a Single room/cabin supplement” to have an extra private room/cabin.
  • In case of having 2 adults traveling with 2 kids (all 4 travelers can’t be joined in a single room/cabin) you will be charged as 2 adults traveling solo in 2 separate rooms and two “Solo Traveler in a Single room/cabin supplement” will be required to book two separate rooms to accommodate all 4 travelers since group discounts apply on adults only.

4. Add the upgrade packages if needed.

Select the “Deluxe Hotel & cruise upgrade” to upgrade to our list of deluxe hotels & cruise ships (the detailed list can be found down below in the FAQs section.

Please make sure to upgrade all travelers in your trip to be all joined in the same hotels & cruise ship (the number of travelers must match the number of upgraded per person packages).

5. Add the extra optional tours.

Scroll down the “Extras” drop down menu to add your extra optional tours and make sure to select the number of travelers joining that optional tour since these tours are booked per person.

Feel free to select the “Upgrade room view” option to select the number of rooms/cabins you want to upgrade into a better view. Also be noted that the “Upgrade room view deluxe” (DLX) option should be the one selected if you have already chosen the deluxe hotel package upgrade.

All optional tours & room view upgrades are explained in details down below in the FAQs section.

6. Check the trip details.

Review all the details about your trip in the “Included/Excluded” & “Tour Itinerary” sections to have all the needed information about what’s included in your trip.

7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You can find all the extra details about your trip and the extra optional tours and upgrades in this section.

8. Book your trip & review your cart.

Review your cart and check the detailed prices of your personalized trip.

9. Proceed to checkout & make payment.

Fill in your personal information and place your order to finalize your booking.

  • We will confirm your booking within 48 hours.
  • Please make sure to make your payment as soon as you receive our confirmation email otherwise your booking can be automatically canceled.
  • Remember to book your flight at least 14 days before the first day of your trip to have the best chance to find a ticket for the selected date of your trip.