How can I book?
In order to book one of our offers, you must register as a user with your email, choose your trip and make the payment. We like transparency, so we show the full and complete price from the start. If you prefer, we can help you reserve your trip via our email: (bookings@oriontraveller.com). Our destination experts will be happy to help.
What payment methods can I use to pay for my trip?
We accept payments through Bank transfer, Debit/Credit cards & PayPal. Please make sure you received our trip confirmation email before making any payments when using Bank transfer, also payments must be received as soon as possible after the confirmation email is received to avoid automated cancellation from our side. For help with your payment problems please reach us via email: (help@oriontraveller.com).
When and how do I receive the documentation of my trip, such as flight tickets, itinerary and important information?
Once your purchase is complete, you will receive your travel documentation by email: transport details, hotels, itinerary, important notes and insurance policy (if applicable). Also, in the event that your reservation has flights, you will receive the electronic tickets once they are issued by the airline, approximately 30 days before departure. You need to print these documents only once and present them to the supplier at the destination.
How can I access my account?
You can easily access your account from the user dashboard that can be found on the top right corner in the user dropdown menu (using a desktop) and can also be found in the navigation dropdown menu (on all devices).
How can I change my booking?
To change your booking please contact us using our email: (bookings@oriontraveller.com).
How to cancel my booking?
To cancel your booking please email us at (bookings@oriontraveller.com) and specify the booking number and reason of cancellation. All booking cancellations are subject to our terms and conditions.
How to use coupon codes?
You can add your coupon code in the Coupon code area at the cart items page or at the checkout page before payment. All coupon codes are subject to our terms and conditions.
How to delete your account?
To delete your account please go to the navigation dropdown menu and you will find the delete account option under the dashboard submenu.
How to ask for a refund?
Please contact us via email: (refunds@oriontraveller.com).
How to reach our customer service team?
Please contact us via email: (customer-care@oriontraveller.com).
How to change my account password?
You can find the option to change your account password in the settings menu in the user dashboard.
Can’t access my account.
Please contact us via email: (help@oriontraveller.com).